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Apply for a county board

Cobb County has several boards where citizens help advise commissioners and our departments on policies and practices. Some have governing authority over the function of a particular area of government. All provide opportunities for citizens to serve in Cobb in leadership and in service to their fellow citizens.


For a list and description of each Cobb Board and Authority please visit


Chairwoman Cupid utilizes a board application process to help ensure that those serving in these advisory and leadership roles reflected the wide array of interests, skills and demography across the county.



All candidates seeking to serve as an appointee of Chairwoman Cupid or seeking her recommendation for BOC appointment are encouraged to fill out this application, including those currently serving on the board who wish to continue in their position. 


Those selected through this application process will either: (1) be recommended to serve as an appointee on behalf of Chairwoman Cupid or (2) be recommended by Chairwoman Cupid to serve as an appointee of the full Board of Commissioners. Most of the recommendations must still be approved by majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. Some positions do not have this requirement and serve at the discretion of the Chair or appointing commissioner.


Please note that Chairwoman Cupid reserves the right to appoint or recommend appointment of persons to a board or authority outside of this process as there are some instances where persons are uniquely qualified to serve in a role or timing issues compel such an action.


Still, the board application process will be Chairwoman Cupid's primary means of making initial appointments during her term in office.




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